Private Voice and Speech Coaching

Private Voice and Speech Coaching is available for working on a film script, sides for an audition, or a monologue.

These sessions can be used to work on the voice and clarity of the text or to work on a dialect.

Signature Theatre – “The Young Man from Atlanta”

“I call Shane Ann for voice and speech coaching when I have auditions for films as well as television. We have worked on everything including eliminating my original accent (I’m from the Appalachian region) to clarifying the ideas in the text, to working on an English dialect. I have gotten a call-back or have been hired to do the role for every script we have worked on.”

Boyd Holbrook

Voice and Speech Coaching

“Trust her with your creative life. Her voice and speech coaching didn’t just help me with the words written by others, it helped me deliver my own writing (jokes, solo shows) better. I can take really bad text (never mine, always others!) and make it look like human life. She taught me to mine the text and to surface with diamonds. If words and communication are your thing, Shane-Ann will “get” you for she, like you, is an artist. Verbally, she was the Yoda to my Luke. Wax on, Shane-Ann!”

Dion Flynn

Voice and Speech Coaching

“The walls of the theatres around the country reverberate with the exercises I learned from Shane Ann’s Voice and Speech Coaching because at around 6:30pm I retreat to some dark corner of the house and do my Younts exercises. Without this warm-up I would be lost. But it goes beyond preparing myself to do the best job I can do on any given night. I am happy to have Shane Ann in my pocket and to have her expertise in my memory and to have the privilege of counting her good taste and good notes and good spirit among my influences.”

Maggie Lacey

Maggie Lacey